Friday, July 15, 2011

Rocking my Babies

Once again, the fabulous, generous, community-building Shell of Things I Can't Say, she of the Pour Your Heart Out weekly Wednesday link-ups and so many more (remember Rockin' the Bump?) has come up with a NEW wonderful link-up meme: Rockin' the Baby.

She wants our kids' baby pictures. And since I LOVE looking at pictures of my boys from way back when, I'm so in!

Especially as we're fast approaching their 9th birthday at the end of this month, and so I'm I getting all weepy and nostalgic reflecting on how they've grown and are (sob) not my little babies anymore.

My boys were endlessly cute back then (still are). So here they are in all their adorable baby glory:

Ethan  - a one week old elf

Jacob - a two month old "Baby Power" activist

Jacob & Ethan - my three month old Carrot and Pea
There is such a bittersweet feeling when I look back at pictures from these earliest days. They are from a more innocent time, before I knew we were headed down the road hand in hand with autism.

So when I see these pictures I am brought back to those impossible-to-believe-now days when the future was endlessly rosy and anything seemed possible; when I thought my boys would be best friends forever, never lonely, always having each other to play with.

Anything is still possible. But some things seem a lot less probable, now. Sigh.

And now, as a bonus (and also because I can never leave well enough alone)... I'm throwing some generational stuff into the mix here.

First a trio of pictures from a contact sheet of newborn me, being held by my lovely, then raven-haired mother. Taken by my marvelous photographer father.

Don't I look like a mix of the two of them? (Oh, wait, genetics goes the OTHER way... so, um, rather, don't they look like me?)

And finally, my father as a baby, in 1917:

As astonishing as it may seem to young children, old people were once babies, too!

This post is linked up over at Things I Can’t Say.  Thank you, Shell, for encouraging us all to share photos of our babies (sob, they're not babies any more).

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