Happiness is: Three hours in a lake
With a floating trampoline (Cannonball!)
Ice cream on a hot summer day
Unlimited ice cream
Listening to Rock and Roll with Dad
Hours spent barefoot and the freedom to roam
Many thanks to our gracious, generous hosts for a wonderful family day, for the chance to blend in, be just another family amidst many families celebrating on this 4th of July weekend.
For once we weren't "that family." There were lots of little kids there, having way bigger meltdowns than Jacob. He was on best behavior. I told someone Jake was autistic and they were surprised, hadn't noticed he was different.
Three hours in a lake seems to be just the thing he needed. And live music. And fireflies.
At the end of the day? Two happy, exhausted kids. Perfect.
I’m linking up to Wordless / Wordful Wednesdays all OVER the place... at Angry Julie Monday... at 5 Minutes for Mom... at live and love...out loud... at Dagmar*s momsense... at Parenting by Dummies... at The Maven of Social Media
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