Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm in Katie's Army now

I am thrilled to have been recruited by the wonderful Katie of the blog Sluiter Nation.

And all I had to do was write a blog post for her.

This one: Tribes

Now, if you know me and the gifts that ADD has bestowed in my life, you'll know this "little thing" had me tied up in knots all weekend.

I do guest posts. I love to guest. But I always get anxious when writing for others and not just myself.

And since anxiety makes me uncomfortable? I avoid and procrastinate. And then you add in my perfectionism, my being unable to just write and release?

That means I turn in my guest posts at the weee end of when they've been asked for, sliding in right under the wire. Sorry folks.

I always swear next time will be different.

But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

I even wrote a post about it called "I Fear I Make a Terrible Guest."

So why do I keep subjecting myself to the stress?

Because I love communities, being connected to something larger than myself. Because the glue that holds the bloggosphere together is a combination of guest posting, commenting and linking (plus a healthy dose of Twitter and Facebook and other social media tools).

Being a part of something.

Which, coincidentally, is the theme I was asked to write on, and came up with this post for Katie:


Which you should go read over at her blog.

And then you should stay and read Katie. She is wonderful. Generous. Funny. Genuine. The real deal. A mom. A writer. A friend.

I am so thankful to her for having me today.

Making connections.

(Go. Read. See you back here tomorrow.)

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